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The gang of eight
Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter captioned 'Coalition government is the only answer' by Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.) (3.1.03).
Time and again I have read letters from this contributor, including this one, where mention was made of a 'Gang of 8'. Despite repeated calls from some of your readers and notably Dr Frederick Kissoon for him to name this 'Gang of 8' he brazenly refers to, I am yet to see him do so.
I find it strange that despite this your newspaper, which should be editing letters for clarity of content, continues to publish this mysterious labeling of a group of senior officials by Joey Jagan. By continuing to publish these letters I can only assume that Stabroek News knows what the writer is talking about. If that is the case then I would appreciate if you will put an end to the speculation and guessing of the reading public by telling us about this 'Gang of 8'.
Yours faithfully,
Danny Rampersaud

Editor's note:
We sent a copy of this letter to Dr Jagan and received the following response:
"In response to your request for journalistic truth of information the following constitutes the Gang of 8 in Freedom House:
1) Dr Roger Luncheon (leader, 2) 

Mr Donald Ramotar, 3)

 Mr Feroze Mohamed, 4)

 Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, 5)

 Mr Robert Persaud, 6) 

Mr Komal Chand, 7)

 Ms Gail Teixeira, 8) 

Mr Kellawan Lall."